Not what I expected, but turns out to have a hidden benefit for older cameras
I have an older TrendNet 312 and thought I could use UnetCams to set up my camera since the software they make is Windows only. You cant do the setup my TrendNet camera with UnetCams and the brief directions are cryptic. For example my camera is listed as a supported camera, but the application only shows some of the model numbers it supports-- the directions dont actually say "if you have one of these cameras, you need to tell the software you have this other one…" There is a colin burried in the list of modle numbers, so if you are clever, you can view the image eventually.
The surprise bonus, and why I am keeping UnetCams software, even though you have to do all your setup on a windows machine-- is that the web viewer page that is built into the older cameras, works on a mac browser until you change the IP address on the camera, and then the Java certificate is no longer valid because of the new Java security measures. So if it were not for aps like UnetCams, I would no longer be able to see my camera displayed on a Mac-- so that was a surprise!
toddfiles about
uNetCams: Multicam Monitor